Dario Loerke, Mette Mørch, Sena Partal and I
Dario Loerke, Mette Mørch, Sena Partal and I
3 Weeks
June 2016
An unconventional process was used. Studying philosophy about AI, Experimenting with Computer vision and Image Processing, Product design and building of Objects, Speculation of the Evolutionary path of the Light Bulb and Infographics.
Evolving trends, technology advance or engineered interventions such as planned obsolescence could be imagined to exacerbate the various survival strategies. While “timeless” design icons stand solid as a rock, smart phones, laptops or TV’s are usually challenged by shorter replacement cycles. The various parameters that make consumer goods desirable are the starting point of this exploration. They provide indications about the key features of the object intelligence and speculative outcomes.
The project imagines a research service called ‘On the Origin of Objects’ that explores the various survival strategies of a simple light bulb during its evolutionary path of becoming the fittest object at home. Ordered to your household by the OTOO service, it all begins with the ‘State A – Power Bulb’. By sensing and learning from its environment the object starts taking decisions towards its form, function or affordances.
Three different scenarios are chosen to illustrate how the evolution from state A to state B could be imagined. From a simple style adaption, to a malformation and naive transformation resulted from data analysis of usage patterns – the aim is to imagine multiple upgrades autonomously ordered by an artificial intelligence.